Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Man of God Will Be Missed

Yesterday at 10:54pm, Carl K. Moyer of Kabwe, Zambia, went to be with the Lord after many years of heart problems; Carl was a devoted missionary for fifty two years in Africa. While in Zambia, I had the privilege of meeting Carl during the second week of my missions trip to Zambia; he had such an impact on my life. Carl embraced every chance that he had to love others and tell them about Christ. Carl and his wife, Joanne, were involved in Grace Ministries and they were actively involved with this ministry. Even though I only spent several days with the Moyers, I felt like I was one of their grandchildren, and when I heard the news I felt like I just lost my grandfather. My church sponsors the Moyer family and there will hopefully be a memorial service for him here in the Pennsylvania.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Members of the First Baptist Church in Doylestown are in Zambia!

While me and the rest of the my team were in Zambia, Africa,a member of our team named Dominque had a younger sister who was attending a Vacation Bible School at the same time we were in Zambia; her younger sister attended a VBS at the First Baptist Church of Doylestown. While we were in Zambia, Dominique received an email from her family saying that the VBS was collecting clothes for the Wisdom Community School in Mwenye. This was such a blessing because we were at the Wisdom Community School and we knew the children that we met were going to be getting the clothes that were being collected by the VBS. Now, a group of women from the First Baptist Church of Doylestown are in Zambia with the same organization (ALARM) and they are meeting the same people that we did. It is so amazing how God blesses us in ways that we never thought possible. Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is what a typical market looks like, if you were to stop on the side of the road to purchase an item. These markets are owned by someone who wants to sell some of their art work, produce, etc. The Zambians built there own store out of sticks, wood and they would attach plastic bags to create the walls. I never knew that a plastic bag could be used in such a way.